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6 min read

Understanding the Difference: Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) vs. Carbon Offsets

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) vs. Carbon Offsets: Understanding the Key Differences for a Greener Future. Learn how RECs support clean energy generation while carbon offsets compensate for emissions. Discover their unique roles in combating climate change and making informed sustainability choices.
By Divyansh Jain
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8 min read

I'm Starting a New Business and Want It to Be Sustainable. Where Do I Start?

Discover essential steps and strategies for creating a sustainable and environmentally conscious business from scratch. Learn how to incorporate eco-friendly practices, engage employees, optimize resources, and communicate your sustainability efforts. Start your journey towards a greener future today!
By Divyansh Jain
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5 min read

What the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Means for Corporate Sustainability

The stark conclusion of the IPCC’s latest report makes the call for immediate and systemic climate action more urgent than ever. This final warning has been issued while there is still a chance, albeit slim, to limit global warming to 1.5°C – the temperature target set by the Paris Agreement to avoid the most severe impacts of the climate crisis – by the time the next IPCC assessment is completed in five to seven years.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Why Should Your Software Company Care about Sustainability?

Software and IT firms have a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. By taking steps to reduce their environmental footprint, promote social and ethical practices, and prioritize good governance, these businesses can not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also improve their reputation and bottom line.
By Ecolytics Team
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3 min read

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Be Impact Reporting

In today's business landscape, sustainability and social responsibility are increasingly important issues. Companies are expected to demonstrate their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and making a positive impact on society. One of the best ways for companies to communicate their efforts is through impact reporting. From increasing transparency and accountability, to improving reputation and driving innovation, an impact report can be a powerful tool for demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. So, whether you're just starting your sustainability journey or looking to take your efforts to the next level, an impact report is a must-have for any company looking to make a positive impact in today's world. In this blog post, we'll explore the five key reasons why your company should publish an impact report and the numerous benefits it can bring to your business.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Creating a Company Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a set of principles for employees to adhere to while conducting their business in order to meet the standards set by the company. A strong code of ethics will help to set clear policies and professional standards of behavior in all areas of employee performance, such as appropriate use of the company's facilities and how employees are expected to approach problems and handle them. Setting an ethical code is important to guide employee decision making to align with the company's values when there are no explicit rules or direct oversight.
By Ecolytics Team
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4 min read

5 Reasons Your Company Needs a Sustainability Strategy

Every company needs a sustainability strategy, regardless of the size of the business. While for a long time social impact and business have been seen as separate, recent years have shown creating a sustainability plan allows businesses to save money, attract employees, reach more customers, and build a stronger brand -- something every business can benefit from.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Happy New Year! Ecolytics 2022 Recap

Ecolytics had an incredible year in 2022! Our company saw tremendous growth in product, team, revenue and customer satisfaction. We were able to expand our product line to include several new and innovative features that resonated our customer base. In addition, Ecolytics implemented a number of sustainability initiatives within our own business operations, to show how our company is able to walk the talk. Overall, 2022 was a banner year for Ecolytics, and we are excited for what 2023 has to bring!
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Accredited Green Building Programs 101

Over the past decade, the green building programs have gained recognition nationwide as leading the way for responsible, modern buildings and designs. These rating tools, which are usually voluntary, recognize and reward companies and organizations that construct and manage more environmentally friendly buildings, thus encouraging and motivating them to push sustainability boundaries. Two programs are rising as the most popular: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and the WELL Building Standard. This blog post will explore these two standards and why companies should choose real estate that has achieved these designations.
By Ecolytics Team
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1 min read

The Cost of Becoming a B Corp

The B Corporation certification is the most rigorous certification for companies that want to be socially responsible. Some of the top benefits of becoming a B Corp certified company include attracting more investment, joining a community, and achieving a social badge of proof for their work towards sustainability.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Use Diversity Metrics to Create an Inclusive Workplace

Diversity is a critical element of excellence in all areas of life. Employers and educators have found that promoting diversity in their workforces makes for a better-functioning organization. They also benefit from having a diverse workforce by receiving more ideas and insights from different backgrounds and cultures. In addition, promoting diversity improves interpersonal relationships between workers in the office and increases employee satisfaction.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Public Benefit Corporations: The New Way to Do Business

Public benefit corporations (PBCs) are a new way to operate a for-profit corporation, one legally required to think about the effects its decisions will have on society, not just shareholders. Unlike a nonprofit, though, a PBC is still a for-profit business, like a limited liability company (LLC) or a C corporation. They have a socially beneficial purpose, but they also are a profitable business.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

Employee Resource Groups: Everything You Need to Know

Employee resource groups (also known as ERGs or affinity groups) are voluntary, identity-based communities formed by employees within the firm. Creating ERGs is one method to build a more inclusive environment and approach diversity and inclusivity in a more holistic, community-based manner. If your organization does not have a program for Employee Resource Groups, here's a look at ERGs and how they might be working together in your company.
By Ecolytics Team
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2 min read

What’s the Difference Between ESG and Sustainability?

As the fields of ESG, sustainability, and impact continue to grow and change, many have questions about the distinctions between these words and phrases. When thinking about these terms, it’s important to not get too caught up in the details to the point that you’re not actually taking action to improve in these areas.
By Ecolytics Team
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3 min read

What Does B Corp Mean?

A B Corp -- or "B Corporation" -- is a business certified by the non-profit organization B Lab to have met high standards across various areas, ranging from environmental factors to diversity of employees. The non-profit keeps things transparent by listing each B Corp on a page available to the public, showing the date that the company was certified and the breakdown of its scores. There is also an annual fee companies pay to nonprofit organization B Lab in order to keep their certifications and use the B Corp logo, which is based on the region and the size of the business. B Corp certified companies use their certified stamps to drive movements, foster relationships, attract talent, enhance their impact, amplify others voices, and defend their missions.
By Ecolytics Team
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